Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Family Bike Ride

Sunday was a beautiful day so we decided to go on our first family bike ride. After Rylan's nap, we loaded the kids in the trailer and took off for the beach. It was their first time in the trailer together and I don't think Acadia was crazy about Rylan invading her space.
But they both did really well together (at least on the way there).
Scott and Acadia hung out by the water.
While Rylan and I enjoyed the grass.
Acadia was okay on the way home. Rylan, not so much. I think he was tired and Acadia kept stealing his toy. We tried giving him her toy, but then she wanted both (yeah, she's acting her age). Thankfully it was a short ride and once we got home both kids took super long naps. We'll have to try that again soon!


Colleen Noble said...

gotta love that sibling rivalry, and my goodness does it start early! its usually one of the most entertaining (yet annoyingly challenging) parts of my day. your fam is pure cuteness. xo

Becky Graziano said...

Love Acadia's look in the first picture. Cute pics!