Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Happy Birthday Big Girl!

Dear Acadia,

Happy third Birthday! It seems like overnight you went from our little girl to our big girl and you like to prove that you are almost every day!

You're an energetic little girl who loves to be outside. If you're cranky or bored or I just don't know what to do with you when you go outside that all changes. You love to go to the park and run and swing and ride the slide "all by myself".


You love food and will eat almost anything! Recently you had lobster for the first time and after one bite said, "Mmmmmm, I like lobster". You also love when we go out and get treats. Chocolate covered marshmallows seem to be a favorite.
Not only do you love to eat, but you love to help mama cook. Every Sunday you're right next to me with your wisk and measuring spoons helping me make pancakes.

You love animals.  A couple of months ago you were scared of everything, but not anymore.  If you see a doggie you immediately want to go up and say hi and pet it.  But you love all animals.  Recently we went to a petting zoo and you pet everything from deer to goats to bunnies.  You even made sure to say good-bye to them all before we left.


You're also turning into our little fashionista.  Gone our the days where Mommy or Daddy could dress you.  You want to pick out your own clothes and even accesorize.  You're still a tomboy, wearing Cars undewear under your dresses, but these days you pick dresses over jeans and pink over blue.

It's amazing to see you grow and see you do new things almost everyday.  You melt our hearts (and give us more gray hairs) daily and we can't wait to see what you get into next.  No matter what though, you'll always be our special little girl.

Mommy and Daddy

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