Wednesday, September 12, 2012

End of summer wrap up

Wow! How is it mid September already?  Where did summer go?

We've spent the past two weeks trying to do as much as we can before Acadia started pre-school.  Yep, you heard right, pre-school.  I can't even believe it myself.  Technically we could have waited awhile longer to send her, but, in case you hadn't noticed, she's busy.  She needs to get out and do things.  She needs to meet other kids.  And let's face it, I can only do so much.  Sure, we color, and do our ABCs and 123s and all that, but she just needs more.  So three days a week from 8 until 12 she's at school. 

Here she is on her first day.
Before that we were busy going to the park and the farm, and just having fun.

This past weekend we even took a bike ride to the beach.

It's sad to think that summer's over, but I'm excited for the fall.  Apple picking, Halloween and lots of family hikes.

1 comment:

Colleen Noble said...

OMG, I know...PRESCHOOL! Norah is going two mornings a week. so far so good. like Acadia, i think she just needs to be out on her own a bit. how is Rylan liking mommy time?