Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Homeward Bound

Tonight's one of the biggest going out nights and Scott and I are home...packing. Tomorrow we're heading home to Chicago and we're so excited! I have to admit, I've been a little homesick since we've been in Boston and can't wait to see everyone. Given it's a holiday the whole family will be together which makes it easy for us to catch up with everyone. We'll even get to see the 2 new additions to the family.
Next to seeing everyone, I'm most excited about all the food tomorrow! Mom's pies, grandma's stuffing (Uncle Jim better make it!), and all the other fixins to go along with it. I hope I packed my stretch pants!
After that, we're heading north for a week in the Northwoods of Wisconsin to work on some wedding stuff and hopefully relax a bit.

We hope all our friends and family have a very happy (and full!) Thanksgiving. Gobble Gobble!!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Boys will be boys

I don't know why, but I find it funny that every guy I know needs to have some space to himself. Whether it be the basement, the garage, or a closet, they all need it. Well, Scott's no different. So we spent this weekend getting "his" room together. And I have to admit...I kind of like it.
Ok...the reality is that it's really not just his room. The computer's in there along with all our books. Pretty soon the sleeper sofa will be there too. But for Scott it's his place to go to chill. It has his surfboard, skateboard and all his Dr. Seuss collection. There's also a lot of mementos and just little things that mean a lot to him.

If this is what Scott needs to feel more at home, I'm happy to give it to him. Besides, he said the rest of the place is mine!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Busy Bees...

The weekend before Halloween we went to Salem...yes, the same Salem of the Salem witch hunt. While we didn't see any witches, we did see some scary characters...and no, Scott wasn't one of them :)

We were also here to witness the Red Sox win the world series. People are crazy about they're sports here. And I thought Chicago liked there sports! We went to Fenway Park to check out games 2 and 3...even had some friends in town for it.

This last weekend was definitely a great one. Our friends, Kirk and Krupa came to visit and we had a blast. We were so exhausted on Sunday that I just couldn't make a "real" dinner. Good thing we got a care package of Skyline chili from Mary and Bob (Scott's parents for those of you who don't know). It may not have been homemade, but it surely made us feel like we were back home.

Room to Breathe...

We didn't think it was possible to live somewhere smaller than our apartment in Bucktown. Well, we were wrong. Our temporary housing, basically a hotel room, was cozy to say the least, but left something to the imagination. After being cramped up in it for a week , Scott and I had to get out and get some air. It was a great weekend so we decided to find somewhere close and go hiking.
Even though the mapped looked easy enough, the routes weren't exactly well marked. I found it similar to the street system here. I guess we couldn't complain too much though, when you have a view this good.

Don't think we'll be out in our shorts anytime soon, but that won't stop us from checking out our new surroundings.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Split Pea Soup Anyone?

Scott and I moved into our apartment about a week and a half ago...and we love it. Well, almost all of it.

Most landlords paint an apartment white before a new tenant moves in. Not the case for us. Most of it is tolerable...except 2 rooms, the second bedroom and the bathroom.

The second bedroom, is pink. And this is nothing close to being pretty. It's looks like someone poured pepto-bismal on the walls. I think Scott's description was "Dr. Seuss pink". Yuck. So that's on the list of things to do.

The bathroom was even better. It was a cross between split pea soup and avocado. To some this may not sound that bad, but considering this is the smallest room in the whole place and doesn't match the gray tile or mauve tub (what were they thinking?), it had to go. That actually was finished the first weekend we moved in.

But things are coming together nicely. Soon we'll have everything set up and ready for visitors...and we would love to have them.

And mom, you won't even have to bring your own chair.

We're not in Kansas Anymore...

Well, Scott and I have been in Boston now for about a month. And let's just say things are a little different on the east coast. Here's a few the new things we've learned so far...

1. Driving is a whole new game out here. Not only do people not use their turn signal EVER, but they also go a lot slower. It's probably because they don't understand the signs any more than we do. Anyone know what "thickly settled" means? How about "squeeze left"? Yeah, we have no clue either.

2. There is no "r" in the alphabet here. It's changed to an "ah". Bostonians don't drink beer, they drink bee-ah. Students go to Hah-vahd. And my favorite, the city of Worcester is actually pronounced Wuh-stah. We're still trying to get it ourselves.

3. There is no grid system here since Boston is one of the oldest cities in America. That means that a street can actually intersect itself, and you may need to make 3 right turns in order to turn left.

Things may be different (VERY different), but we're having a great time trying to figure it all out. We may make a few detours along the way, but we're getting there!