Monday, November 12, 2007

Split Pea Soup Anyone?

Scott and I moved into our apartment about a week and a half ago...and we love it. Well, almost all of it.

Most landlords paint an apartment white before a new tenant moves in. Not the case for us. Most of it is tolerable...except 2 rooms, the second bedroom and the bathroom.

The second bedroom, is pink. And this is nothing close to being pretty. It's looks like someone poured pepto-bismal on the walls. I think Scott's description was "Dr. Seuss pink". Yuck. So that's on the list of things to do.

The bathroom was even better. It was a cross between split pea soup and avocado. To some this may not sound that bad, but considering this is the smallest room in the whole place and doesn't match the gray tile or mauve tub (what were they thinking?), it had to go. That actually was finished the first weekend we moved in.

But things are coming together nicely. Soon we'll have everything set up and ready for visitors...and we would love to have them.

And mom, you won't even have to bring your own chair.

1 comment:

Dana Mc said...

I heard pea green is the new beige, so......your in luck!! LOL!