Wednesday, October 29, 2008

One year

That's how long Scott and I have been in Boston. Neither of us can believe it!

To celebrate, Scott had a surprise in store for me. On Saturday, I came home from yoga to a note on the door, telling me to be ready to leave at 3:00 and my bag was next to it. He had a fun night planned complete with a hotel stay downtown, a fun dinner out, and even a club to go to afterward. It was wonderful. The club part was kind of funny...large groups of girls all dressed up, bass thumping in the background, and Scott and me hanging out at the bar. We really had a blast!

We ended the fun the next morning with brunch at a local pub that we've been wanting to try.

If you asked me a year ago about Boston, my answer might have been different, but we're having a lot of fun. Here's just a few of the things we've done in the past year:

-Got married
-Traveled to Thailand
-Hiked some amazing mountains in New Hampshire
-Ate lobster in Maine
-Surfed in the Atlantic Ocean
-Backpacked in what could be considered our backyard
-Had fun with friends and family visiting
-Had even more fun going home to visit friends and family!!
-Realized we can do anything as long as we have each other (ok, I know this is cheesy, but it's so true!)

We've had a lot of fun and we know there's only more in store!


Kate said...

I can't believe it's been a year! That flew by (for me, at least). I'm so glad you guys found each other and that you are so happy and complete. It's such a joy to read about. Cheesy and all!

Michelle and Jack said...

Lucky you!

...but we still miss you...