Saturday, November 15, 2008


I'm sure a few of you have heard about this. Twilight is a new movie coming out next Friday. It's based on a book by Stephanie Meyer. To say the book is good is an understatement. I'm on book 3 of the four book series...and I read book 2 (over 500 pages) in one night. Sounds crazy, I know.

To give you a quick synopses the book(s) are about a group of vampires and how they fit into the human world. Again, I know this sounds crazy, but if you're looking for a good, light, quick read you've got to check these out. I'm a big reader, but I've never been so addicted to a book to the point where I had to finish it to find out what happens next.

If you want a better guide, check them out at amazon here. And if you've read them already, then you know I'm not alone.


Colleen Noble said...

I am also a Twilight fan! I read the first one and now all of my students are eating up the series, too. Actually, I can't keep up with them anymore and have to be on the class waiting list to get the third book. It has been fun watching the students get all excited about reading and discussing the books. A few boys have even joined the craze. I can't wait for the movie, and feel like a seventh grader when I think, "Edward hearts Bella". Enjoy!

Kate said...

I read the first one a few months before Paige was born, and then the next two right after her birth... usually when she was nursing. Is that TMI? Anyway, I have a real problem with supernatural things like vampires and werewolves... but for some reason I couldn't stop reading the books! And of course I got the 4th one the week it came out.
Some girlfriends and I are going to the midnight showing of the movie on Thursday night. We're crazy. Even after reading all four books, I can't say I LOVED them. But I'm still a total Jacob fan. :)
Oh, and I'm friends with Stephenie Meyer's sister-in-law. That's my big claim to fame!