Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thanksgiving in Ohio

Scott and I headed to Oxford, Ohio Thanksgiving morning to spend the holiday with his family. It was so good to catch up with everyone and I think we're both still full from all the goodies we ate.

The welcome wagon came and got us at the airport with the welcome sign in hand. Bob was there outside of security ready with the hugs. Mary was at home cooking up a feast, but she made sure there was a drawing of her on the sign so we knew she was thinking about us.

Since we didn't get in until mid-afternoon, there wasn't much time before dinner. But Thanksgiving isn't the same without baking a pie. So I quickly headed over to Nana's to whip up a pecan pie. Mary also made a pumpkin pie later in the week that we enjoyed with leftovers. And there was plenty of those!

Scott enjoyed some time to himself while Nana and I hung out in the kitchen. He needed it too. He's been a busy bee at work!

We also got to catch up with friends while we were there which was great. I went to my first "Townie Night", we played cards in the annual pitch tournament. Scott even won the grand prize! All in all it was a great holiday weekend!

Now we're on to Christmas!! Can't believe it's only 3 weeks away! Where did 2008 go? We're looking forward to seeing the other side of the fam in just a few short weeks!

Happy Holidays!!

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