Scott and I had a whirlwind four days home in Chicago. While it was busy, it was a lot of fun catching up with everyone.
We flew in on Wednesday, in the middle of a blizzard. Before the Christmas Eve festivities began, Tim, Dana, Ellie, Scott and I all played in the snow.
As you can tell from these pics, we all had fun!
My mom made Dana and me matching aprons this year. This caused another round of giggles. They're so much fun...Christmas on one side and daisies on the other. Thanks again Mom!!
There were a few cooks in the kitchen that night. Here's a few of us in our festive aprons.
This was Scott's first Christmas in Chicago with my family. I'm not sure if he's quite come down from all of it, but we had a great time together! It was so much fun sharing my traditions with him. And I know everyone loved having him there. This is just the first of many.
Hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas!!