Sunday, December 7, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Yesterday was our day to put up the Christmas decorations. We started out by heading down the street to a local church that was giving away Christmas trees. Scott and I knew we wanted the typical Charlie Brown tree so that seemed like a perfect spot to get one.

I think Charlie Brown would approve of this little guy.

Once we got home, I started decorating the apartment. We saved the tree for last. After dinner (and a little champagne) the fun began.

Both Scott and I have had the tradition in our families of getting a new ornament every year. The ornament usually has to do with something that happened since the last Christmas. So while in Thailand, we picked this one up. We couldn't wait to find a good spot.

Since our tree wasn't too big, we couldn't fit all our ornaments on it. So we decided to put up all of the "old school" ornaments. You know, the macaroni Christmas tree, our mobiles turned into ornaments, maybe even the gingerbread man with raisin eyes.

We were so happy to see how it looked all lit up. Then it really felt like Christmas.

Today it's even snowing for the first time. Guess that means that winter's really here. But winter means Christmas so I'm okay with least for now. In February I might have a different opinion!

By the end of the day, Scott was in the holiday spirit too!!

Wishing everyone a happy holiday season!

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