Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Checking in

Thanks to everyone for checking in. Scott's doing really well and is currently making laps around the hospital floor. His NG tube (tube from his nose to his stomach) came out this morning and he is able to eat a little bit.

Some have asked how I'm doing and I'm doing well too. I'm making trips back to see the kids during the day which is a nice break. It was hard to leave them last night, especially when Acadia wouldn't let me go, but they're in great hands (my mom is there with them).

And as to why the procedures were in different hospitals, I think it's just because Children's can focus more on Jaisal and has a team devoted just to this. Northwestern is one of the largest transplant hospitals so that was best for Scott (since he can't be treated at Children's).

There's a chance Scott could be discharged later today which seems crazy. We're taking it one step at a time and we'll see how it goes.


LibraryChristi said...

This is the first chance I've had to check the blog since yesterday afternoon. But I've been thinking about you guys all day! I'm so glad to hear that both Scott and Jaisal are doing well (and that you are, too!)

Jesselynn said...

Hey Christine,

I'm so glad both are doing well :) Sending you lots of hugs and prayers. Awesome news.


Samantha said...

All good news!! Wow!! Scott, Jaisal..you, Krupa, Kirk are amazing...much love and respect for all of you..

Jenn said...

Please pass this along to Scott. I'm Shelby's mom.

What an amazing gift you have given Jaisal and, in essence, Shelby, too. You ARE a rock star! I am so happy to hear the updates of you healing so well! I'll be praying for your speedy recovery. I am getting worked up on Thursday to see if I can be Shelby's donor. I'm very nervous about it, but you are such an inspiration to me. Thank you.

Samantha said...

Give Scott my love. Hope you both are able to get some sleep tonight. Love, Auntie Sammie :)

Kate said...

Thanks for answering my questions. :) I figured that Jaisal was at a children's hospital. So glad to hear that you are doing fine. What amazing people you all are. We are so honored to be friends! Love you guys!