Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Hi Ho Hi Ho

It's off to work Scott goes.

Today is Scott's first day back to work after surgery. The goal is for him to gradually get back into the swing of things without tiring himself out too much.

I know it will be good for him to be there and out of the house, but it was nice having him home. Both me and the kids are going to miss him.

This first pic isn't from today, but it is what Scott wore. I think he's trying to get extra sympathy.

I can't figure out how to rotate the other picture, but it's Scott's note that he's ok to go back to work. Go figure, he forgot to bring it so I sent him a picture of it.


Kirk and Krupa said...

I love that he wore the shirt, but the note is classic.

Samantha said...

Hope its a great first day!

Love ya :)