Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Thoughts, Prayers and Posititve Energy

Whatever you got, we'll take!

Most of you know, but in case you don't, on Monday, December 12th, Scott is going to be a living donor for our godson Jaisal who needs a liver transplant. We're leaving tomorrow and spending at least the next two weeks in Chicago while we prepare and then recover from all of this.

We didn't start telling anyone until recently, knowing that something could change at any time. Well, we're about as close as we can get and we know we can use any and all support!

I'll be updating the blog while we're away so you can track both Scott's and Jaisal's progress. You can also check on Jaisal by visiting his blog www.jaisalsjourney.blogspot.com

If you could keep us all in your prayers it would be greatly appreciated. We're hoping that this creates a happy and healthy holiday for one special little boy.


Becky & Brian Graziano said...

We are praying for Scott and Jaisal that everything goes smoothly and recovery goes quickly. Love you!

Samantha said...

Sending much love, positive vibes, hugs, kisses and lots of smiles your way!! I am working and volunteering around the clock or else I would definitely be there!

Love Always,

Auntie Sammie :)

Colleen Noble said...

Praying that all goes well. You guys are amazing. Hugs!