Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Ups and downs

Scott continues to get better. While he's still in a lot of pain he's pretty mobile and is able to do a lot of things without help. He can't eat much, but other than that he's hanging in there!

Jaisal's having a bit of a rough go though. He's having a hard time breathing and his medications aren't keeping him as relaxed as they would like. We spoke to Kirk a little while ago though and the "good" thing is that the doctors are saying that they can manage that aspect. Hissing liver seems to be doing well too.

Scott's next check up is Friday and hopefully after that we can move to the burbs and settle in one place for a little while. Our kids have been troopers through all of this which has been great!


Samantha said...
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Samantha said...

Our Heavenly Father,

I offer my prayers to you for the continued healing of Scott and Jaisal. Continued good reports from the doctors and nurses, many hours of rest, nutrition, relaxation, a constant and strong peace of mind.

That their caregivers know your abiding strength, comfort and joy, as they provide assistance and guidance for Scott and Jaisal on their journeys in this life.

In Your Name, I Ask This.
