Thursday, December 18, 2008

Hooray for Scott!

Scott got a new job yesterday.

He'd been interviewing with a few different companies over the past couple of months and on Tuesday he got an offer. We were thrilled. To say he was unhappy at his current (I guess former now) job, is an understatement. It turned out to be something completely different from the job that was explained him over a year ago. That combined with the fact that the market's in the toilet right now made things a little tense.

But not anymore...

Yesterday he joined the ranks of Keurig. To check them out, click here. It's a coffee company which is right up his alley (anyone remember his coffee maker with the weather??).

He starts in 2 weeks and has the time off in between now and then. So if you need him to do something, he has some time on his hands. Just remember, my list comes first!

This might not be exactly what we planned when we came out here. We did move here for his job after all...but this is a great opportunity and will only lead to better jobs in the future.

So everyone join me in congratulating Scott!!


Anonymous said...

Love our new Keurig coffeemaker. Now if it just told me the weather!

Michelle and Jack said...

Is Keurig better than Bunn?


Lacey said...

Congratulations Scott! Funny my mom's office just chipped in to buy her a Keurig Coffeemaker for Christmas. They love it! Good move Scott!

Kate said...

CONGRATS!! I hope Scott is happier there!